Map of North Carolina County Courthouses
List of North Carolina Counties

Website | Manager / Administrator | Phone | |
Alamance | @AlamanceNC | Craig Honeycutt | (336) 228-1312 |
Alexander | @alexandercounty | Rick French | (828) 632-9332 |
Alleghany | Don Adams | (336) 372-4179 | |
Anson | Lawrence Gatewood | (704) 994-3200 | |
Ashe | Sam Yearick | (336) 846-5501 | |
Avery | Tim Greene (interim) | (828) 733-8202 | |
Beaufort | Randell Woodruff | (252) 946-0079 | |
Bertie | Scott Sauer | (252) 794-5300 | |
Bladen | Greg Martin | (910) 862-6700 | |
Brunswick | Ann Hardy | (910) 253-2000 | |
Buncombe | @buncombegov | Wanda Greene | (828) 250-4100 |
Burke | Bryan Steen | (828) 439-4340 | |
Cabarrus | @cabarruscounty | Mike Downs | (704) 920-2100 |
Caldwell | Stan Kiser | (828) 757-1300 | |
Camden | Michael Renshaw | (252) 338-1919 | |
Carteret | Russell Overman | (252) 728-8450 | |
Caswell | Brian Miller | (336) 694-4193 | |
Catawba | @catawbacounty | J. Thomas Lundy | (828) 465-8201 |
Chatham | Charlie Horne | (919) 542-8200 | |
Cherokee | Randy Wiggins | (828) 837-5527 | |
Chowan | Kevin Howard | (252) 482-8431 | |
Clay | Paul Leek | (828) 389-0089 | |
Cleveland | @clevelandcounty | Jeff Richardson | (704) 484-4800 |
Columbus | Bill Clark | (910) 640-6600 | |
Craven | Jack Veit | (252) 636-6600 | |
Cumberland | @CumberlandNC | Amy H. Cannon | (910) 678-7723 |
Currituck | @CurrituckGov | Daniel F. Scanlon II | (252) 232-2075 |
Dare | @darecountyem | Bobby Outten | (252) 475-5800 |
Davidson | Robert C. Hyatt | (336) 242-2200 | |
Davie | Mike Ruffin | (336) 753-6001 | |
Duplin | Mike Aldridge | (910) 296-2100 | |
Durham | @DurhamCounty | Wendell Davis | (919) 560-0000 |
Edgecombe | @EdgecombeCounty | Lorenzo Carmon | (252) 641-7833 |
Forsyth | @ForsythCountyNC | Dudley Watts | (336) 727-2797 |
Franklin | Angela Harris | (919) 496-5994 | |
Gaston | Earl Mathers | (704) 866-3100 | |
Gates | Natalie Rountree | (252) 357-1240 | |
Graham | Greg Cable | (828) 479-7960 | |
Granville | Michael Felts | (919) 693-5240 | |
Greene | Richard Hicks (interim) | (252) 747-3446 | |
Guilford | @GuilfordCounty | Marty Lawing | (336) 641-3383 |
Halifax | Tony Brown | (252) 583-1131 | |
Harnett | @HarnettCounty | Joseph Jeffries (interim) | (910) 893-7555 |
Haywood | Ira Dove | (828) 452-6625 | |
Henderson | @HendersonCoGovt | Steve Wyatt | (828) 697-4809 |
Hertford | Loria Williams | (252) 358-7805 | |
Hoke | Tim Johnson | (910) 875-8751 | |
Hyde | @HydeNC | Bill Rich | (252) 926-4400 |
Iredell | @IredellCountyNC | Ron Smith | (704) 878-3050 |
Jackson | Chuck Wooten | (828) 586-7580 | |
Johnston | Rick Hester | (919) 989-5100 | |
Jones | Franky Howard | (252) 448-7571 | |
Lee | @leecountync | John Crumpton | (919) 718-4605 |
Lenoir | Mike Jarman | (252) 559-6450 | |
Lincoln | @LincolnCountyNC | Kelly Atkins | (704) 736-8471 |
Macon | Derek Roland | (828) 349-2025 | |
Madison | Forrest Gilliam | (828) 649-2521 | |
Martin | David Bone | (252) 789-4300 | |
McDowell | @mcdowellgov | Charles R. Abernathy | (828) 652-7121 |
Mecklenburg | @MeckCounty | Dena Diorio | (704) 336-2472 |
Mitchell | Chuck Vines | (828) 688-2139 | |
Montgomery | Matt Woodard | (910) 576-4221 | |
Moore | Wayne Vest | (910) 947-6363 | |
Nash | Zee Lamb | (252) 459-9800 | |
New Hanover | @NewHanoverCo | Chris Coudriet | (910) 798-7184 |
Northampton | Kimberly Turner | (252) 534-2501 | |
Onslow | @OnslowPIO | Jeff Hudson | (910) 347-4717 |
Orange | @OCNCGOV | Bonnie B. Hammersley | (919) 245-2300 |
Pamlico | Tim A. Buck | (252) 745-3133 | |
Pasquotank | Rodney Bunch | (252) 335-0865 | |
Pender | Bob Murphy (interim) | (910) 259-1200 | |
Perquimans | Frank Heath | (252) 426-8484 | |
Person | @PersonCountyNC | Heidi York | (336) 597-1720 |
Pitt | @PittCountyNC | D. Scott Elliott | (252) 902-2950 |
Polk | Marche Pittman | (828) 894-3301 | |
Randolph | Hal Johnson | (336) 318-6302 | |
Richmond | Rick Sago | (910) 997-8211 | |
Robeson | Ricky Harris | (910) 671-3022 | |
Rockingham | @rockinghamconc | Lance Metzler | (336) 342-8101 |
Rowan | Aaron Church | (704) 216-8180 | |
Rutherford | @RutherfordCnty | Carl Classen | (828) 287-6060 |
Sampson | Ed Causey | (910) 592-6308 | |
Scotland | Kevin Patterson | (910) 277-2406 | |
Stanly | @StanlyCountyNC | Andy Lucas | (704) 986-3600 |
Stokes | Rick Morris | (336) 593-2448 | |
Surry | @SurryCounty | Chris Knopf | (336) 401-8201 |
Swain | Kevin King | (828) 488-9273 | |
Transylvania | Jaime Laughter | (828) 884-3100 | |
Tyrrell | David Clegg | (252) 796-1371 | |
Union | @UnionCountyNC | Cindy Coto | (704) 283-3810 |
Vance | Jerry Ayscue | (252) 738-2001 | |
Wake | @WakeGOV | Jim Hartmann | (919) 856-6160 |
Warren | Linda Worth | (252) 257-3115 | |
Washington | Jerry Rhodes | (252) 793-5823 | |
Watauga | Deron Geouque | (828) 265-8000 | |
Wayne | @waynecountync1 | George Wood | (919) 731-1435 |
Wilkes | John Yates | (336) 651-7345 | |
Wilson | @WilsonCountyNC | Denise Stinagle | (252) 399-2803 |
Yadkin | Lisa L. Hughes | (336) 679-4200 | |
Yancey | Nathan Bennett | (828) 682-3971 |